Global Custody & Execution

Asset Management

Investment Advisory

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The Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with Guernsey law. Any dispute which may arise in connection with the Terms or your use of the Site shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Competent Guernsey Court in place of our offices in Guernsey. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to take legal action at the place of your domicile or in any competent court, Guernsey law being applicable in all cases.
Knotstone Financial Limited is registered in Guernsey under registration number 51569 and is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.
Knotstone Financial Limited
Lefebvre Place, 2nd Floor
Lefebvre Street
St. Peter Port, GY1 2JP
T: +44 1481 815 010
E: info-at-knotstone-dot-com