Providing meaningful reports with clarity and uniformity
Every financial institution provides some form of portfolio valuation statements and reports to its clients. However, each one has its own format and categorisation of asset classes, securities and products, often resulting in reports that are inconsistent, not standardised or simply confusing to clients.
Our consolidated reporting is customised for each client depending on their requirements. It is a collection of several individual reports, each with or without commentary. The frequency and level of detail depend on your preferences as well as the source electronic feeds received from your banks/custodians.
Whether for a single portfolio, a set of multiple portfolios (consolidated), for financial-only assets or for a combination of financial and non-financial assets (private equity, real estate, fine art, etc.), our consolidated report will depict in a clear and concise manner the portfolio’s valuation, allocation, specific asset class details, risk parameters and performance with the use of charts as well as figures.

Tailored Reporting for Family Offices and Trustees
Whether you are a Family Office, a Trustee, or an Institutional Investor overseeing a range of assets held in many accounts, you can benefit from our consolidated reporting service and rid yourself from the all too common inflexible and often error-prone method of manually loading and updating portfolio transactions and/or positions onto a spreadsheet.
For Trustees and Fiduciaries, the addition of commentary on the capital markets, our outlook for the coming period and changes in the consolidated portfolio, helps them communicate more efficiently to their clients and remove the pressure of administrative burden such providers commonly face.
Our approach re-affirms our holistic view of asset management. As well as managing portfolios with a specific remit, we also assist the client to allocate their wealth across a range of assets, both real and financial.
Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. For more information on our Consolidated Reporting, please contact us
What assets can you report on, how often, and where do you source your pricing from?
Our consolidated reports can include any financial asset (listed, OTC, or cleared) or non-financial asset (private equity, real estate, art & collectibles). The frequency of the reporting is typically quarterly. For pricing and valuation of financial assets, we use data from the exchanges, clearing houses and enterprise data providers, while for non-financial assets we use valuations from administrators or specialised valuators.
Do the account names/titles of each of the entities you consolidate on need to be identical?
No. Our Consolidated Reporting is entity and participation agnostic. It can encompass any number of accounts (same name or not) in whole or in portions thereof, i.e. 100% of Account 1 plus 25% of Account 2, etc. We understand for example the need for Family Offices to have a consolidated report of multiple accounts belonging to different legal entities or family members, not all of which are to be accounted for in their entirety.
What is the lead time for initial setup and associated upfront and recurring costs for your Consolidated Reporting service?
Lead time is typically 4-8 weeks and entails the connectivity between us and the corresponding banks/brokers where the accounts are held as well as standardising deliverable file formats and pricing sources. Setup costs vary depending on the number of data connectivity/feeds and if required any custom software development. Ongoing costs are priced based on the assets reported (basis points per annum) plus any third party connectivity or reference data license expenses.